Divinity: Original ...
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Лишь бы не вышло как в Аллодах, обещали кто платит тот красивый, а оказалось кто платит тот нагибает...
Ace of Spades, Achron, Advent Rising, Afterfall: Insanity, Age of Chivalry, Age of Conan: Hyborian Adventures, Age of Decadence, Age of Wonders: Магия Теней, Albion Online, Aliens Versus Predator 2, Aliens: Colonial Marines, Alliance of Valiant Arms, Alone in the Dark: У последней черты, Alpha Protocol, Amazing Spider-Man, The, Amnesia: A Machine For Pigs, Amy, Anarchy Online, Angry Birds, Angry Birds: Space, Anomaly: Warzone Earth, Aquanox 2: Откровение, Aquanox: Сумерки Аквы, Arcanum: Of Steamworks and Magick Obscura, ArcheAge, Archimedean Dynasty, ArmA 2: Day Z, ArmA 2: Тактика современной войны, Arx Fatalis. Последний бастион, Assassin's Creed III, Baconing, The, Bastion, Batman: Arkham City, Battle for Wesnoth, The, Battlefield: Bad Company 2, BattleKnight, Bet on Soldier, Beyond Divinity: Оковы судьбы, Binary Domain, Binding of Isaac, The, Bionic Commando, BioShock Infinite, Black Mesa, Blacklight: Retribution, Blades of Time, Bloody Good Time, Bodycount, Borderlands 2, Botanicula, Brink, Brutal Legend, Bully: Scholarship Edition, Burnout Paradise, C.A.R.S, Call of Duty: World at War, Call of Juarez: Gunslinger, Cannon Fodder 3, Carrier Command: Gaea Mission, Castle Story, Castlevania: Lords of Shadow, Casus Belli, Chaser: Вспомнить все, Cobalt, Company of Heroes, Company of Heroes 2, Condemned: Criminal Origins, Confrontation: Последняя битва, Cradle, Crimecraft, Cross Fire, Crusader Kings 2, Cube World, Cubium, Cursed Crusade,The, Cut the Rope, Cyberpunk 2077, Dark Eye: Demonicon, The, Dark Fall: Lost Souls, Dark Souls, Darkfall: Unholy Wars, Darkstone, Dawn of Fantasy, DC Universe Online, Dead State, Deep Black: Reloaded, DEFCON, Defenders of Ardania, Desperados: Взять живым или мертвым, Deus Ex, Deus Ex: Human Revolution, Diablo III, DiRT: Showdown, Disciples: Перерождение, Divine Divinity. Рождение легенды, Divinity II: Кровь Драконов, Divinity II. Пламя мести, Divinity: Dragon Commander, DmC Devil May Cry, Dofus, Dragon Age: Начало, Dragon Nest, Dragon's Dogma, Drakensang: The Dark Eye, Drakensang: The River Of Time, Dune II: The Building of a Dynasty, Dungeon Lords, Dungeon Siege, Dungeons & Dragons: Daggerdale, Dungeons & Dragons Online: Stormreach, Dungeons of Dremor, E.Y.E., Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, The, Elder Scrolls Online, The, Elemental: War of Magic, Elite: Dangerous, Enclave, Endless Space, Eschalon: Book 2, Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem, Evil Within, The, F.E.A.R. 3, Fable II, Fable: The Lost Chapters, Fall. Последние дни мира, The, Fallen Earth, Fallout: New Vegas, Firefall, FlatOut: Ultimate Carnage, Flower, Folklore, Forgotten Realms: Demon Stone, Freedom Fighters, Freelancer, Frozen Synapse, Game of Thrones: Genesis, A, Game of Thrones, Game Of Thrones: Seven Kingdoms, GAMER.ru, Gangsters , Gangsters 2 , Gears of War 3, Gemini Rue, Glest, God Hand, Gray Matter: Призраки подсознания, Grim Dawn, Guild Wars 2, GunGirl 2, Half-Life: Opposing Force, Hammerfight (Hammerfall), Hard Reset, Haven & Hearth, Heavenly Sword, Heavy Metal: F.A.K.K.2, Homefront, Hydrophobia, I Am Alive, Icewind Dale II, Infestation: Survivor Stories, Injustice: Gods Among Us, Insane 2, Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet, INSURGENCY: Modern Infantry Combat, Interstellar Marines, Inversion, Jade Empire, Jagged Alliance: Back in Action, Jaws Unleashed, Journey Down, The, Just Cause 2, Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days, Kerbal Space Program, King Arthur 2, King of Dragon Pass, Kingdom Under Fire II, Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning, Kingpin: Life of Crime, Kiss: Psycho Circus — The Nightmare Child, League of Legends, Left 4 Dead 2, Legend of Grimrock, LEGO Universe, Limbo, Lineage Eternal: Twilight Resistance, Loadout, Lords of Everquest, Lost paradise, Lost Sector Online, Madballs in Babo: Invasion, Maestia: Rise of Keledus, Majesty 2: The Fantasy Kingdom Sim, Mark of the Ninja, Mars, Mass Effect 3, Master of Magic, Max Payne 3, MechWarrior Online, Medal of Honor: Warfighter, MediEvil 2, Metal War Online, Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor, Minecraft, Miss Gamer, Mortal Kombat, Mousehunt, My Little Pony: Fighting Is Magic, Natural Selection 2, Need for Speed: Most Wanted 2, Neverwinter Nights 2, Neverwinter, NightSky, Norse by Norse West: The Return of the Lost Vikings, Nox, Nuclear Dawn, Of Orcs and Men, Oil Rush, Omikron: The Nomad Soul, One Piece: Kaizoku Musou, Orcs Must Die!, Otherland, Overlord II, Overstrike, Panzar, Path of Exile, Payday: The Heist, Perpetuum, Pirates of the Caribbean: Armada of the Damned, Pirates, Vikings and Knights II, PixelJunk Eden, Planescape: Torment, Planetside 2, Plants vs. Zombies, Populous: The Beginning, Prey, Prey 2 (отмененный проект), Project Eternity, Project Zomboid, Prototype 2, Punisher. Каратель, The, PvPGame.ru, QSP, Quantum Conundrum, R.U.S.E., Rage (2011), Rayman Origins, Red Dead Redemption, Red Orchestra 2: Герои Сталинграда, Redline, Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City, Resident Evil 4, Resident Evil 6, Ridge Racer Unbounded, Risen 2, Road Redemption, Rock'n'Roll Racing 3D, Rogue Trooper, Rome: Total War, Rune, RUSH, Sacred 3, Saints Row: The Third, Salem, Scivelation, Secret World, The, Sengoku, Settlers 2: Veni, Vidi, Vici, The, Severance: Blade of Darkness, Shadow of the Damned, Shadow of the Colossus, Shadow of Rome, Shenmue, ShootMania Storm, Sid Meier's Pirates!, Silverfall, Singularity, Skyforge, Smite, Sniper Elite V2, Sniper: Ghost Warrior 2, Space Siege, Space Station 13, SpaceChem, Spec Ops: The Line, Spelunky, Splinter Cell: Blacklist, Squad Flow, Star Conflict, Star Wars 1313, Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, Star Wars: Jedi Knight — Jedi Academy, Star Wars: The Force Unleashed 2, Star Wars: Battlefront III, Star Wars: The Old Republic, Star Wars: Battlefront 2, Starbound, Starsiege: Tribes, Starvoid, State of Decay, Storm , Sublustrum, Subvein, Survarium, Syndicate , System Shock 2, Tales of Monkey Island, Terraria, The Braid, The Darkness II, The Haunted: Hells Reach, The Last of Us, The Longest Journey, The Suffering, The Walking Dead, Thing, The, Timeshift, Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Patriots, Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Conviction, Too Human, Torchlight, Total Overdose: A Gunslinger's Tale in Mexico, Total War: Shogun 2 - Fall of the Samurai, Transformers: War For Cybertron, Trauma, Tribes: Ascend, Two Worlds 2, UFO: Прозрение, Ultima Forever: Quest for the Avatar, Unepic, Unreal Tournament III, Urban Rivals, Vampire: The Masquerade — Bloodlines, Venetica, Vessel, Vindictus, VVVVVV, Wakfu, War of the Roses, War Thunder, Warface, Wargame: Европа в огне, Warhammer 40,000: Dark Millennium, Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine, Warhammer 40.000: Eternal Crusade, Warlock: The Master of Arcane, WARP, Wasteland 2, Watch Dogs, Wildstar, Wizardry 8: Возвращение легенды, World of Battles, World of Darkness, World of Warcraft, World of Warcraft: Cataclysm, World of Warplanes, X Rebirth, X-COM: UFO Defense, XCOM: Enemy Unknown , Xenonauts, XIII, Zeno Clash, Zeno Clash 2, Алхимия, Амнезия. Призрак прошлого, Ведьмак 2: Убийцы королей, Властелин Колец: Война на Севере, Власть Закона, Война и Мир, Геном, Герои Меча и Магии, Герои уничтоженных империй, Глаз Дракона, Готика, Готика 4: Аркания , Готика II: Ночь Ворона, Демиурги, Демиурги II, Дурная репутация, Завоевание Америки, Закат Солнечной Империи, История Войн 2: Тевтонский Орден, Квестер, Король Артур 2, Король Артур, Корсары: Город Потерянных Кораблей, Космические Рейнджеры, Крестный отец II, Крестоносцы Меча и Магии, КРИ, Легенды кунг-фу, Легенды Эйзенвальда, Львиное Сердце, Машинариум, Мессия, Механоиды, Меч и Магия: Герои VI, Мир танков, Мор. Утопия, Наследие Каина. Defiance, Небеса, Несыть , Никто не живет вечно 2: С.Т.Р.А.Х. Возвращается, Новый Союз, Огнем и мечом, Один адский день , Пенумбра 3. Реквием, Повелитель Ужаса, Предвестник, Проклятые Земли, Танат Онлайн, Тургор, Ускользающий Мир, Чикаго, 1932: Дон Капоне, Эадор. Владыки миров, Эадор. Сотворение
Капитан Очевидность, СофтКлаб, 4erten0k, 53Ghz, Tasion52, afroamestigon, ag666, agrippa, Akane, AlexisSK, AliceSheil, Aliel, Alpha-Terrorr1st, Amaleska, Amiko, AnaFoxy, AnastasyaZelenova, Andarial, andreevich, andyjr, Annkelia, AnnTenna, ArDec, Arjuno, Arkanus, ArtManul, AshBeast, Ashley, ashleyX19-14, BadVadim, Baranko, BECS-Reduktor, Beholder, bellz_doll, BEZZ, Bonana_Hunter, BrassDragoon, Chaos_Genesis, cherchell-is, Chillko, Contest, CriAnn, D00mBringer, Dafna14, Dagon, darn, Darrggon, Darth_Malice, DeadlyMooN, Deart, Denchic@, DES13, dezintegration, Divash, djinn1kesta, DocPainkiller, DragonQueen, DraKo, Dscpl, Dusk_Flower, EdelWeisse, ellin_z, Encounter, Джин Кризсволт, evil_Ash, Evva, Exstas, feklista, FilmCraft, FILMoKRUT, Final, Флегматикс, Fllayres, FOSTER_ok, random, fryaka, Fulier, Gaara68, Gaijin, Gamer_Times, Ganondorf, Gattamelata, geniym, Gentelmen, geralt_novgorod, Gloroh, GrafSeth, Grimuare, Grizli, GuRuKaMu, gypiend, HannibalKing87, Hawli, Hubris, Igores007, jazz_doc, jour, joyexceed, Аделаида, kapxapot, Kitty_Venom, KohanDark, Колоксуй, Kortikarte, Котовский, Koven, KrakenGames, KudVanGreed, lab-rico, Lance, Lariay, Lasef, leroq, Lestas, Liftier, LiLWereWolf, LinaAngel, LinHek, liverpool1892, LiveSaifer, LootHunter, Lucy, M1HAEL, mafiozo, Magistr, Magrat, Maguar, Makarov21, Malkavian, mamba, Mariarthy, marinasta, marisha, MART-LET, masaomiaxel, Mash, Masya83, maxcorporation, MbICb, mchammer, Meg, merlinag, Midest, MriN, Mr_Moxnat, Msabifhe, murra, Nadea, Namary, Nariall, Nas, natalya, Nebesnaya, Necromantes, NightCatty, Nikkosven, Olli, Oniksiya, Orangee, ORC-RED, Ormeli, Oyuka, Ozon_Gamer, Pantagruelko, Panther, Panzar Studio, Pegazs, pinguiniv, poda, ppnikpa, Pre_historik, PriTVora, Punch, Quester82, radzh, RayCharles, Raziel, Reverse, NotHereAnymore, rizen, Rowen, Runcha, RustyHarper, Salamandrik, samgnus, sardas, Sayonara, Seagull, Sedoi_3250, Sergey Serkin, Serjant, Shakty, shk, Shurga, SiPlus, siv4ik09, SJForrest, SJupiter, Skelova, skoomaCat, Smirka, Snicky, SnowballStudios, sofcase, Soth, Sova_Jane, Spoke, Stee1, Стрелок, Sunshine, Surt, svetakru, T34, TanyaCroft, teaspoonofhoney, TesthuGGer, Texic, Textoplet, Thinvesil, Tigral, Tomo, Toomadhatter, Trias-17, ugoroman, ultravix, Unknown, uptime, valentina12, Valsharess, Veritas, Vindi, Visc, Vizzerdrix, vladforn, Voise, Volosaty, Vonofaga, waRFacTOR, wh17e, Wispa, WladySpb, wondervill, woody_woodpeker, xhouse, xopoBod, YouRock, Yukipozdeady, YUPLAY.RU, zini4_tha_grunt, ZoiZoi, Доктор
AlexLich, Algavar, Aqess, bellz_doll, Billy-Joe, BrassDragoon, Chili, crazytoster, Darth_Malice, Diaraks, DocPainkiller, EdelWeisse, Eolas, Ergera, EvilEngineN10, FILMoKRUT, FOSTER_ok, fryaka, Gector99, GokuSSJ3, HannibalKing87, Hawli, Iliart, jour, KATbKEH, Kirguh, kN, KohanDark, KOI8, lab-rico, Lexa1990, lonelyche, Magistr, Makarov21, MaYAmI, MISTER_HELL, Msabifhe, mushro0m, natalya, Nikkosven, OneStepCloser, Pandora008, ppnikpa, PriTVora, Pro-nagibator, RayCharles, redhot, NotHereAnymore, risen164, San20, Seagull, Skelova, Sova_Jane, Spoke, Stalker115, STEPshishka, Suoli, svirenlexa, TanyaCroft, Textoplet, Thinvesil, Tomo, bebo, Ulkiora37, Yaha, yoda, Zen547, Zerk_a
Divinity: Original ...
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Плюсатор Koncyl 32
Плюсатор Koncyl 32
Плюсатор Koncyl 32
128 мега видюха, проц 2,4 ГГц пень4, опера 512
256 мега видюха, проц 3ГГц пень4, опера гиг
512 мега видюха, проц двухяедрка 2,6ГГц, опера 2 гига
768 мега видюха, проц двухядерка 2,6 ГГц, опера 2гига (лучше 4).
Плюсатор Koncyl 32
Плюсатор Koncyl 32
хатя пускай уж лучшетак - нам же лучше (даже багнутый фабле смотритца гут).
Плюсатор Koncyl 32
хоть из головы - хоть из задницы - и так весело торчат.
а самое лучшее пригвождение к стенам, потолку и земле- онли пейнкиллер - ето никто даже не оспорит)).
Плюсатор Koncyl 32
Плюсатор Koncyl 32
Плюсатор Koncyl 32
ниче подобного там нету по всей широте Аллодов.
даже обычных ружей нету, а пушки стреляют магической энергией, а не снарядами. Корабли тоге не на пару едят.
Плюсатор Koncyl 32