Can I get a business credit card with my EIN?
If you have an employer identification number (EIN) — a nine-digit tax ID number assigned to your business by the IRS — you can use it to apply for a small-business credit card. But you will almost always have to also provide a Social Security number.
Can I use my EIN instead of SSN when applying for credit?
Can I Use My EIN Instead of My SSN When Applying for Credit? Once you have an EIN, you can apply for credit with it instead of your personal SSN. However, most credit card companies and banks will still require an SSN because they require personal guarantees.
Do you need EIN for business credit card?
No, you don't necessarily need an EIN to get approved for a business credit card. You may be able to get approved using your Social Security number without an EIN. In these cases, you're typically applying for a business credit card as a sole proprietorship, which requires only your Social Security number.
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